M&P Courier Pakistan Rates List

M&P (Muller & Phipps) is a popular courier and logistics service operating in Pakistan. It offers a range of domestic and international courier services, as well as freight and logistics solutions. As with any courier service, one of the most important factors for customers is the rates list. In this article, we will take a closer look at the M&P Courier Pakistan rates list.

Domestic Courier Rates

M&P offers a variety of domestic courier services within Pakistan. The rates for these services depend on the weight and size of the package, as well as the delivery destination. Here is a breakdown of the rates for domestic courier services:

M&P Overnight Service Charges

LocationUp to 0.5 KGUp to 1 KGEach Additional / KG
Within CityRs. 150Rs. 210Rs. 190
Same ZoneRs. 245Rs. 300Rs. 300
Different ZoneRs. 330Rs. 400Rs. 350

M&P Same Day Service Rates

LocationUp to 1 KGEach Additional / KG
Within CityRs. 300Rs. 150
City to CityRs. 600Rs. 200

M&P MyFlyer Service Rates

LocationUp to 0.5 KgUp to 1 KGEach Additional / KG
Within CityRs. 230Rs. 300Rs. 190
Same ZoneRs. 350Rs. 400Rs. 260
Different ZoneRs. 400Rs. 460Rs. 300

M&P Express Cargo Service Rates (72 Hours Delivery)

LocationUp to 0.5 Kg
Zone ARs. 60 Per KG
Zone BRs. 70 Per KG
*Without Packing Charges*Minimum Chargeable Wight 10 KG

M&P MyBox Shipment Service Charges

WeightWithin CitySame ZoneDifferent Zone
Up to 1 KGRs. 200Rs. 330Rs. 410
Up to 2 KGRs. 350Rs. 500Rs. 700
Up to 3 KGRs. 370Rs. 670Rs. 1000
Up to 5 KGRs. 720Rs. 1000Rs. 1400
Up to 10 KGRs. 1250Rs. 1750Rs. 2400
Up to 20 KGRs. 2150Rs. 2700Rs. 3530
Up to 30 KGRs. 2890Rs. 3530Rs. 4820

M&P MyBox Shipment Service Charges

Up to 10 KGAbove 10 KG
Small BoxesRs. 70 / BoxLarge BoxesRs. 100 / Box

M&P Retail COD Rate List

Second-Day COD Service Charges

Up to 4 KGEach Additional KG
City to CityRs. 400Rs. 100
* Minimum Chargeable Weight 4 KG

MyFlyer COD Service Rates

Up to 500 gmsUp to 1 KGEach Additional 1 KG
Within CityRs. 150Rs. 200Rs. 100
Same ZoneRs. 250Rs. 320Rs. 160
Different ZoneRs. 300Rs. 350Rs. 250

MyBox COD Service Rates

Within CitySame ZoneDifferent Zone
Up to 1 KGRs. 180Rs. 300Rs. 330
Up to 2 KGRs. 250Rs. 380Rs. 550
Up to 3 KGRs. 350Rs. 550Rs. 750
Up to 5 KGRs. 550Rs. 800Rs. 1000
Up to 10 KGRs. 1000Rs. 1350Rs. 1800
Up to 20 KGRs. 1700Rs. 2500Rs. 2800
Up to 30 KGRs. 2300Rs. 3000Rs. 4000

It is important to note that the rates listed above are subject to change and may vary based on the specific destination and package size. It is always recommended to contact M&P customer service for the most up-to-date rates.

In conclusion, M&P offers a range of domestic and international courier services at competitive rates. Their rates list is clear and transparent, making it easy for customers to choose the best service for their needs and budget. With a reputation for reliability and efficiency, M&P remains a popular choice for courier services in Pakistan.

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